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FSRA represent the residents of Farnborough Street and some households in nearby streets. However our aims are to uphold, conserve and improve the heritage of our street for the local community and for the 650,000-1,000,000 people using the street en route to and from Farnborough North Station.


Farnborough Street itself is mixed community of residential, business and light industry. The street is the gateway to Farnborough serving students, visitors to Farnborough and Farnborough employees. Many people using this route may well be entering Farnborough from national and international starting points via the station’s excellent links with Reading and Gatwick Airport. It is our FSRA’s hope that all arriving at Farnborough North Station and using Farnborough Street receive a favourable impression of Farnborough as they arrive in the street that is the origin and heart of old Farnborough.

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